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7 Tips to Manage a Remote Marketing Team

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Managing a marketing team can be a challenging task. As a manager, you ensure your team works efficiently and delivers high-quality content within deadlines.

Collaboration in real-time in an office environment can be beneficial, but many managers no longer have this luxury with the shift toward remote work.

The trend towards remote work has transformed how agencies operate, enabling them to access talent beyond geographical boundaries and provide a flexible work environment that employees desire. Nevertheless, remote work also poses distinctive challenges, and managing a remote marketing team is complex.

In this article, you'll discover practical tips to enhance your remote work experience and confidently lead your team.

1. Establish Unambiguous Objectives and Expectations

It is essential to provide clear direction to your team to ensure everything is clear about what you expect from them. This is especially true when working remotely. However, giving your team autonomy to achieve their goals is equally important, giving them a sense of purpose in their work.

In marketing, setting key performance indicators (KPIs) for employees in creative roles can be challenging. Since there is no direct correlation between leads generated and the work of creative teams, it's essential to establish campaign-specific targets for everyone to work collaboratively towards. This approach can ensure that every team member has a clear sense of purpose and direction. 

Shifting the team's mindset to focus on common goals will bring them closer together, improve overall communication, and foster stronger team bonds.

Damian Grabarczyk, the co-founder and growth marketer of PetLab Co., says, "At PetLab, with over a million social media following, we've mastered setting precise, actionable goals for our remote marketing team. Take our recent Instagram initiative: we targeted a 25% boost in engagement. Each team member knew their specific role in crafting content that resonated with our audience. We also set a 15% conversion increase from our TikTok campaigns, focusing on creative storytelling that links directly to product pages. Our strategy? Regular check-ins and a real-time dashboard to track these ambitious yet attainable goals. This approach not only clarifies expectations but also empowers our team to contribute to our brand's success on each platform creatively."

2. Creating a Remote-Friendly Work Environment

Creating a remote work environment involves establishing policies that promote productivity, well-being, and inclusivity in the virtual workspace. Below are some tips to help you manage remote workers by creating a remote-friendly environment and policies:

  • Establishing clear ground rules and boundaries for remote work is crucial for effective management. These rules should cover work hours and communication protocols to bring clarity and consistency to your team.
  • Offer employees different perks and benefits to boost their remote productivity. For example, upskilling your employees by providing presentation skills training - like this course from Acuity Training - and development opportunities are excellent for businesses and employees.
  • Building virtual meeting etiquette can make video calls efficient and less stressful. To ensure respect, policies should cover punctuality, video usage, and background noise.
  • Offer flexibility in work hours, acknowledge and accommodate different time zones for globally distributed teams, and prioritize personal commitments. This assertive approach can boost team morale, enhance work output, avoid workplace accidents, and increase job satisfaction.
  • When managing remote employees, take a proactive approach towards their mental well-being. That involves providing them with the necessary resources for stress management, facilitating access to online therapy sessions, and actively promoting open and honest discussions about mental health. You can also keep your team engaged with engaging virtual team building activities like the ones described here. A fun way to start is by encouraging them to come up with a team name, fostering a sense of unity and creativity.

3. Utilize marketing technology to your advantage.

Digital transformation has revolutionized marketing by making it entirely digital. It includes reaching out to audiences digitally and using technology to improve performance. So, it's vital to embrace digital transformation to stay competitive.

Investing in marketing software to boost your team's productivity and deliver exceptional results is crucial. You can quickly transform your team's day-to-day operations and take your agency or brand to the next level of success. 

To benefit from technology, use it to its fullest potential. Leaders often invest in technology without understanding how to use it effectively. Remember, marketing software doesn't produce instant results; it requires dedication and hard work.

4. Use Time-Tracking Tools

Managing a remote marketing team can be challenging, but a time-tracking tool can make it easier. It can increase your team's productivity by over 20% and evaluate the work of your team members effectively. 

Ensure that an excellent time-tracking tool has a payroll module that helps you generate accurate billing information for each team member to pay for the exact hours worked. You can easily see what your team members are doing, allowing you to manage your team more efficiently.

5. Share Visible Schedules With All Marketing Team

Sharing schedules with all team members is crucial. When everyone knows what's happening, they can plan their work, craft visually appealing presentations, and coordinate their efforts more effectively. That leads to better communication, increased productivity, and a more cohesive team. 

Whether you are using software or a shared spreadsheet, it will help you make informed decisions about deadlines and assignments for your project. Making the schedule accessible to everyone on your team is also crucial, as it helps foster a collaborative environment.

6. Build Trust and Credibility

Professional relationships are dependent on trust. Managers must avoid any behavior that can lead to even an unintentional implication of distrust towards their team and provide them safety protocols and strict liability.

Don’t act as though you are the only one with the answers. Your team members are valuable resources, and their input should be welcomed and acknowledged when they contribute a good idea or suggestion. To gain the trust of your team, you must provide them with reasons to trust you.

Align actions with words. Communicate with absolute honesty and transparency, and always keep your staff informed. There is no excuse for communication breakdown with remote work.

7. Demonstrates Your Willingness to Lead by Example

With every outstanding achievement, someone led from the front lines—someone who took charge, inspired, and set an example for others. Leading from the front is not just a strategy; it's a way of life. It is a way to inspire others, challenge them to be their best selves and achieve great things together.

If they conduct customer research, you also do the same thing. Show your remote team that their work is valuable and highly valued. This assertive approach has been shown to increase engagement and productivity significantly.

Bottom Line

To manage successful remote teams, it is imperative to implement the suggestions provided in this article. By doing so, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of your work while creating an environment that fosters unparalleled growth and succes

November 20, 2023
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