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Leveraging Automation in User Activation: Strategies for SaaS Businesses

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Imagine this: you are going all guns blazing, marketing your SaaS product, and attracting your target customers with offers and free trials. Yet, you don't see the numbers adding up, as the number of sign-ups for your offers and free trials are not converting into active customers

In short, you are failing to boost your user activation. There may be a lot of reasons for this, such as a complex onboarding process, low user engagement, insufficient user education, or even an unclear "Aha!" moment.

But why do you need to boost your user activation? Studies have shown that a 25% increase in user activation can boost your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) by 34% over a year.

So how do you tackle these challenges and improve your user activation? The answer is automation.

In this blog, we will delve into understanding user activation better and discuss the strategies to boost user activation with the help of automation.

What is user activation & why does it matter

At its core, user activation refers to getting your users to fully adopt and use your product after the initial sign-up. It is basically helping your users understand your product's value. In other words, it’s helping them experience the "Aha!" moment, which will encourage them to become active and engaged customers.

Why does user activation matter?

User activation is not just about a user signing up—it's about them reaching a point where they realize the true value of your product. For your SaaS brand, this could mean a user successfully setting up their account, integrating their data, or executing their first major task with your software. This early engagement is vital because it sets the tone for the user's entire journey with your product.

The impact of user activation on customer churn

With an average annual churn rate of 5.2%, losing customers initially is one of the major challenges that every SaaS brand faces. However, with the right user activation strategies, you can hook your users to your product right at the start of their product journey and thus decrease your customer churn. Understanding this relationship is key to sustaining long-term growth and maintaining a robust customer base.

How can you reduce churn through effective user activation?

  • Early engagement fosters loyalty

User activation ensures users understand and experience the value your product offers. Personalized onboarding, targeted feature suggestions, and in-app guidance help them discover their unique "why" within your product, fostering loyalty and reducing churn.

  • The right user education at the right time

A confusing interface or unclear value proposition can result in customer churn even before they experience your product's true potential. User activation guides them through the initial steps, highlighting core features and demonstrating quick wins. This builds confidence and engagement, reducing the likelihood of early churn.

  • Targeted intervention for at-risk users

By observing user behavior, you can identify those who might not be fully engaged. Quick, targeted intervention can help these users reach activation, thereby reducing the chances of them leaving.

  • Improved customer relationship 

User activation fosters stronger connections. Personalized communication, feedback mechanisms, and proactive engagement show you care. This builds trust and a sense of community, combating churn by making users feel valued.

User activation challenges faced by SaaS brands

Now that we know the importance of user activation, let's dive into understanding some of the top challenges that SaaS brands face during this process.

For a SaaS brand, following customer acquisition, the focus shifts to customer activation. However, this transition is not a simple, single step—it involves a sequence of events leading to the user recognizing the product's actual value. This progression presents several challenges, each requiring attention. Here are some of these challenges:

  1. Creating an intuitive User Experience (UX)

As often said, the first impression is the best. The onboarding User Experience and the onboarding tools you use play a pivotal role in creating that initial impression about your product. Your onboarding process needs to be both intuitive and informative. If this initial experience is complicated or confusing, they are likely to disengage. The challenge lies in creating a user experience that is straightforward yet comprehensive enough to guide the user effectively.

  1. Communicating your product's value proposition clearly

It's no secret that SaaS products usually offer complex solutions. One of the biggest challenges is quickly and clearly communicating the value proposition to your new users.

Users need to understand not just what your product does but how it will specifically benefit them. This communication must be clear and compelling to capture the user's interest.

  1. Personalizing the user journey

During the acquisition phase, each user comes to you with unique needs and expectations. A one-size-fits-all approach to user activation can lead to lower engagement rates. The challenge here is to personalize the onboarding and activation process to cater to the diverse requirements of your user base.

  1. Educating users without overwhelming them 

Providing users with enough information to get started without overwhelming them is a delicate balancing act. Too much information can lead to data overload, while too little information can lead to users doubting your products' capabilities. Striking the right balance is crucial for effective user activation.

  1. Technical barriers

Once the user is on your platform, technical issues, such as bugs or integration problems, will indicate that your product is incompetent.

Ensuring the product is technically robust and providing prompt technical support when issues arise is crucial for maintaining user trust and engagement.

4 strategies for driving user activation

As we discussed before, user activation is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You need to have a deep understanding of your users, their needs, and preferences. Customizing the user journey to seamlessly integrate them into your customer lifecycle is important for better engagement and growth. Here are four strategies that will enable you to do this:

  1. Create a user-friendly onboarding experience

The onboarding process is the first interaction a user has with your SaaS product, making it a critical component in the user activation journey. An intuitive onboarding experience can set the tone for a user's entire relationship with your product.

The key to user-friendly onboarding is simplicity. Users should feel guided and supported, not overwhelmed. Break down the onboarding into manageable steps or stages. This approach makes it easier for users to understand and engage with your product without feeling bombarded with information.

Here is an example of Zendesk, a SaaS CRM tool that provides an onboarding checklist that makes its onboarding simple and user-friendly. This has enabled Zendesk to introduce key features and reduce time to value for new customers, thus driving new user activation.

Take Zendesk, a SaaS CRM tool, as an example. They provide an onboarding checklist to simplify and enhance the user experience. This approach has been effective for Zendesk in introducing key features to new users, thereby decreasing the time it takes for these customers to realize the value of the product.

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Additionally, automation can significantly streamline the onboarding process. Automated welcome emails, setup guides, and interactive tutorials can provide users with the right information at the right time. This not only enhances user experience but also ensures consistency in the information being delivered.

  1. Personalize user experience

Personalization is the key to boosting user activation. It involves tailoring the user experience to meet individual needs and preferences, ensuring that each user finds specific value in your product.

The foundation of personalization lies in understanding the diverse needs of your users. This involves collecting data on user behavior, preferences, roles, and industries. With this information, you can create user personas, which help in customizing the user journey to suit different user groups.

Once you have a clear understanding of your user personas, you can design customized user journeys. For instance, a new user in a managerial role might be more interested in reporting features, while a team member might prioritize collaboration tools. Tailoring the onboarding and usage experience to these preferences makes the product more relevant and engaging for each user.

Automation also plays a key role in delivering personalized experiences at scale. Automated systems can track user interactions and preferences, triggering customized messages, tutorials, or feature recommendations based on this data. This ensures that each user receives relevant and timely information and guidance.

Here is an example of Hubspot using a survey in their onboarding process to understand their users better. These survey responses are then used to create a personalized experience in the customer's dashboard and online workspace. 

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  1. Gamifying the process

Gamification is an innovative strategy increasingly being adopted by SaaS businesses to drive user activation. By gamifying the user activation process, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience for your users.

This can include incorporating elements commonly found in games, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards. These elements can transform mundane tasks into exciting challenges, making the process of exploring and using your product more enjoyable.

Just like in a game, setting clear goals and milestones is crucial. Users should have a clear understanding of what they need to achieve and what they will gain in return. For example, completing the onboarding process or achieving certain tasks within the software could earn points or unlock new features.

Rewards play a critical role in gamification. Offering tangible rewards, such as discounts, feature unlocks, or recognition (like badges or certificates), can significantly boost motivation. These rewards should be aligned with the goals and milestones you set, encouraging continued engagement and progress.

Automation can ensure that the gamified elements are consistently and fairly applied. It can track user achievements, automatically update leaderboards, and deliver rewards without delay. This consistency helps maintain user interest and trust in the gamification system.

Salesforce's Trailhead is a prime example of how gamification can enhance user activation, especially in complex SaaS applications. By breaking down the learning process into smaller, manageable segments and rewarding users with certifications and badges upon completion, it effectively reduces the learning curve.

This approach not only makes the learning process more engaging but also incentivizes users to continue exploring and mastering different aspects of the software. The ability to showcase their achievements on platforms like LinkedIn further motivates users, turning the educational journey into a rewarding and interactive experience. Additionally, leveraging a LinkedIn carousel generator can enhance the presentation of users' accomplishments and attract more attention to their profiles.

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  1. Have a proactive problem-solving approach

Proactive problem-solving involves anticipating potential issues users may encounter and addressing them before they become obstacles to activation.

Understanding common challenges or roadblocks users might face with your SaaS product is the first step. This could range from navigational difficulties within the software to more complex issues like data integration or customization. By anticipating these challenges, you can prepare solutions in advance.

Educational content such as tutorials, webinars, and how-to guides can equip users with the knowledge to solve potential problems independently. This proactive approach to education empowers users and can reduce the incidence of common issues. Additionally, automated support resources, such as AI-powered chatbots or automated email responses, can provide immediate assistance to users when they encounter an issue. 

Here, you can see ClockShark, a SaaS platform that enables businesses to keep track of their employees, using a video modal to demonstrate its timesheet features. Using videos in the user onboarding process enhances user understanding of the platform. Additionally, videos are a more engaging medium and have proven to be highly effective in educating users, thereby improving the overall onboarding experience.

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How to measure user activation?

Measuring user activation involves tracking and analyzing how effectively new users engage with the software and realize its value. Measuring this helps understand the effectiveness of onboarding processes and the overall user experience.

User activation rate

User activation rate is the percentage of new users who reach a predetermined point of meaningful interaction with the product, indicating they have found value in it.

User activation rates can be calculated using the following formula:

User activation rate = (Number of activated users / Total number of new users) × 100

  • Number of activated users: This is the count of new users who have reached the activation point within a given period. The activation point varies depending on the product and could be anything from completing a profile setup to executing a key function.
  • Total number of new users: This is the total count of new users who signed up for the product in the same period.

Let's consider a SaaS company that defines its user activation point as the completion of a first transaction within the app. In a given month, 500 new users sign up for the product. Out of these, 150 users complete their first transaction within the same month.

Using the formula:

User activation rate = (150/500) × 100 = 30%

This means that 30% of the new users who signed up in that month were successfully activated.

Best practices for measuring user activation

  • Determine what user activation means for your SaaS product, be it completing a key task, using a core feature, or upgrading to a paid plan, and set these as your clear activation metrics.
  • Utilize analytics tools to monitor how users interact with your product, focusing on whether they are reaching activation milestones and the time taken to reach these points.
  • Employ automation tools for tracking user progress, sending automated prompts at key stages, and collecting interaction data to understand activation trends and patterns.
  • Regularly analyze the collected data to identify patterns, such as which features drive more activation or which user segments are more likely to activate, to refine your activation strategies.
  • Establish benchmarks for user activation by comparing your rates with industry standards or past metrics to set realistic goals and understand your product's market position.


Every chance you get to interact with your users is an opportunity to convert them into lifelong customers. But remember, initial missteps can be challenging to recover from.

It is important to track and understand your customer's journey and customize every touchpoint to guide them toward user activation.

This is where tools like Luhhu come in, enabling you to enhance customer engagement and drive activation. Luhhu offers expert assistance in streamlining repetitive business tasks using top automation tools like Zapier, Make (Integromat), and n8n.

Want to take your user activation to the next level? Check out Luhhu to know more.


Author’s bio:

Sharath Byloli is a freelance B2B SaaS writer specializing in writing research-intensive content around ecommerce, marketing, and sales. With over four years of experience working with top-tier companies in the B2B industry, Sharath has developed a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges businesses face today. Apart from writing, Sharath loves to travel and tell stories.

March 20, 2024
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